Looking for new friends and new adventures?
"New faces, new places, new friends"
Whether new to the area or embarking on a new phase of life, membership in the Walnut Creek Area Neighbors and Newcomers Club (WCANNC) is open to all women in the Diablo Valley area.
The Walnut Creek Area Neighbors and Newcomers Club (WCANNC) was founded over 60 years ago by women who wanted to help newly transplanted residents familiarize themselves with the city of Walnut Creek and the entire Diablo Valley. Since then, it has expanded its scope to provide new friendships, activities and networking opportunities to all women in the area seeking to broaden their circle of friends and enhance their life experiences and outlooks.
Walnut Creek Area Neighbors and Newcomers Club provides opportunities to:
Make new friends
Explore the area through excursions and lunches
Share and enjoy hobbies such as Bridge, Bunko, Mah Jongg and Hiking
Participate in interest groups such as book club, movie group, meditation and community service projects